VDFP Newsflash March 2
Topics include a wellness survey and a call for assessors for the Practice Ready Assessment program. Read more
Survey: What kind of Social & Wellness activities interest you?
Please select from our list here what activities you would likely participate in if the Division offered them, or add your own ideas to inform our 2023-24 programming.
Article: Dimensions of Wellness
“Wellness” covers many areas. Check out this quick read on Dimensions of Wellness from the Association of Academic Psychiatrists.
Cheers for Peers
Know a peer who inspires you? Grateful for a colleague who helped you out? Want to say bravo for a job well-done? Post your Cheers for Peers here!
PRA-BC program looking for assessors
The Practice Ready Assessment (PRA-BC) program is looking for assessors of international medical graduates wishing to participate. The assessor certification training is scheduled for Friday, March 31 – Saturday, April 1. Assessor registration form Spring 2023 timeline Assessor information
VDFP Women’s Health Dine & Learn
Register now for the VDFP Women’s Health Dine & Learn. Wednesday, March 15 at 5:30 pm in person.
Transitions in Care event: Managing heart failure in family practice
Please join Transitions in Care for Managing heart failure in family practice on Monday, April 3 at 5 pm in person