Newsflash September 12, 2024

This edition includes a poll on AI tools, resources for reconciliation learning and for physician health & wellness, and more. Read it here.
Poll: What kind of AI apps interest you most?
There’s a growing number of artificial intelligence applications for many areas of your day-to-day clinical work. If the Division were to explore practical AI applications, which area do you think we should look at first? Take our one-question poll here.
New podcast series: Confronting burnout and moral injury
The Workplace Change Collaborative (WCC), hosted by Dr. Wendy Dean, is a six-part series that explores burnout and moral injury in healthcare professionals in the United States. Although the system is different, many of the solutions to empower health workers, create change, and improve well-being apply here in Canada. Check it out here!
Dips for Docs extended
Are you brr-ave enough to try cold water dipping? Dr. Mark Sherman will continue hosting ocean dipping get-togethers this fall. Join him on these Saturdays at 9am at Cordova Bay Beach (meet next to former Beach House restaurant): September 21st, October 19th, November 16th – take the plunge!
Keep the Cheers going!
Have a peer who made your day brighter or went the extra mile? Share your appreciation on our Cheers for Peers board. Keep the good vibes flowing!
ICYMI: Physician Health & Wellness resources
Available to you on an ongoing basis: Greater Victoria Peer Support Program: confidential, short-term, non-clinical emotional support PHP “Drop in and share” peer support sessions: 12 – 1 pm every Wednesday South Island Physicians Walking Group: Next walk Sat, Sep 21 (John Dean Provincial Park), 1 – 2:30 pm Mindful Mondays: Next virtual sessions 8 […]
Acknowledging National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
In recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, we have compiled some resources that can support the truth and reconciliation learning journey. South Island Powwow Saturday, September 30, 10am – midnight, Royal Athletic Park (1014 Caledonia Ave) The annual South Island Powwow is an opportunity to recognize Survivors and their families in […]
Voice what matters! Help shape your Division’s future.
As the Victoria Division of Family Practice Board prepares to set priorities for the coming years, your input is vital. Tell us what matters most to you by taking our compensated 20-minute survey. The survey is anonymous and managed externally by Reichert & Associates.
Divisions Dispatch September 4, 2024
The latest provincial Divisions Dispatch includes updates on supports for integrating a nurse into family practice, a new alcohol disorder care pathway, and much more that will not be duplicated in the Newsflash. Read it here
Doctors of BC information regarding provincial election
In a recent letter, Doctors of BC reminded that divisions are to remain non-partisan during the election, provided direction on activities that can be undertaken, and outlined the Doctors of BC approach and election strategy package: On October 19th British Columbians will head to the polls for the upcoming provincial election. Doctors of BC is […]