Victoria MOA Network accepting applications

The Victoria Division MOA Network is now accepting applications from MOAs and office managers working in full-service family practice clinics of the Victoria PCN. Read more and apply here – and don’t forget to register for the January education event. Please share with your staff!

Victoria MOA Network accepting applications

The Victoria Division MOA Network is now accepting applications from MOAs and office managers working in full-service family practice clinics of the Victoria PCN. Read more on the MOA Corner webpage and please share with your staff. Application available here.

New MOA Network Working Group is seeking members

The Victoria Division is launching a new MOA Network and is looking for interested MOAs and Office Managers of Victoria PCN clinics to join the MOA Network Working Group. This group will inform and guide the design and implementation of the Network. The MOA Network The MOA Network will support the evolving needs of MOAs […]

Funded seats available for MOA diploma program

The MOA diploma program at Sprott Shaw College has 40 government-funded seats for Vancouver Island students. Programs start soon in August. Consider encouraging someone to train in order to replace a retiring MOA. The program includes nine months of theory as well as practical skill-building through a four-week practicum. The goal is to increase MOA […]

Victoria MOA Network is seeking a Family Physician Lead

Are you looking to get involved with Division projects, or explore a new leadership role with minimal time commitments? The MOA Network project is searching for a Family Physician Lead who can offer valuable insight and inform program strategy, design and implementation. The MOA Network The MOA Network will support the evolving needs of MOAs […]