New accommodations listings
Do you know a FP who is looking for accommodation? Our new accommodations page lists five new vacancies. You can use the submission form to post.
New accommodations list on the VDFP website
Do you have suitable accommodation for new-to-town FPs, locums, or family medicine residents? Or know a FP who is looking? If so, please check out our Division’s new accommodations listing webpage and the submission form.
Seeking FP rental accommodation
Are you able to offer rental accommodation to new and visiting family physicians (locums)? Please contact Helen Welch at [email protected].
Program Director, Family Practice Postgraduate Programs
UBC’s Department of Family Practice is looking for a Program Director, Family Practice Postgraduate Programs. Read more
Call for office space
Do you have office space for net-new FPs wanting to move to Victoria? The Victoria Division is in conversation with a number of candidates interested in practicing here. Please contact Helen Welch at [email protected] if you have space.