After Hours Care Program (AHCP) pilot becoming an ongoing program

The FPSC is pleased to announce that the After Hours Care pilot, initially set to end March 19, 2024, is transitioning to an ongoing program and expanding to a new region, providing certainty to participating family physicians, nurse practitioners, and their patients. Read the full After Hours extension update. If you have questions about the […]

Wellness for the New Year

Are you a resolutions person? View some interesting stats from Forbes Health about setting (and keeping) them! How about resolving to listen to more podcasts? Check out this roundup of the 25 best podcasts for physicians. Or maybe just resolve to focus on joy in the moment. Happy New Year!

ICYMI: New Perinatal & Newborn Health Hub launched

The new one-stop portal by Perinatal Services BC is designed exclusively for health care professionals. The hub offers perinatal and newborn health information resources, education, and alerts – all accessible without login. Read more and join their virtual orientation session on January 17 from 12 – 1 pm. Quick links • Explore the Hub at […]

Coming Together for Patients: A talk about referrals with family physicians and specialists

Join us for an opportunity to socialize, build connections, and share ideas about improving referrals for everyone. This event is sponsored by the Care Transitions Committee. Physicians will be remunerated for 1.5 hours at the current DoBC sessional rate. Date: Tuesday, January 30 Time: 5:30 – 8:00 pm Location: Hotel Grand Pacific Compensation: 1.5 hours […]

After Hours Care program pilot update

The After Hours Care program pilot (AHCP) has been running for two months. Across the pilot sites, 306 physicians are actively using the service, 248 virtual calls were received, and 380,000 patients are being serviced by the AHCP. Learn more on the FPSC website here or contact Project Manager Myla Yeomans-Routledge at [email protected].

New Perinatal & Newborn Health Hub launched

The new one-stop portal by Perinatal Services BC is designed exclusively for health care professionals. The hub offers perinatal and newborn health information resources, education, and alerts – all accessible without login. Read more and join their virtual orientation session on January 17 from 12 – 1 pm. Quick links • Explore the Hub at […]

Victoria MOA Network accepting applications

The Victoria Division MOA Network is now accepting applications from MOAs and office managers working in full-service family practice clinics of the Victoria PCN. Read more and apply here – and don’t forget to register for the January education event. Please share with your staff!