Newsflash December 5, 2024

Read about the high interest of international grads to practice in Victoria and our need for PRA-BC assessors; building resilience, and MOA professional development funding. Find the Newsflash here
Practice Ready Assessment (PRA-BC) assessors needed
The PRA-BC program is expanding with a goal to assess 96 internationally trained FPs per year in BC. Victoria is seeing an overwhelming number of applications and clinics are matching, but more Clinical Field Assessors (CFAs) are needed. Clinics/ assessors are paid $12,000 per candidate for the 12-week assessment. They receive sessional fees and CPD […]
Island Health’s primary care roadmap survey reopened
Island Health has reopened its primary care roadmap survey to gather more physician input for their three-year plan. The new deadline is this Friday, December 6th, at 5pm. The questionnaire is estimated to take 15-20 minutes and compensation is available. If you participated in September there is no need to do so again. Take the […]
After Hours Care pilot evaluation: fewer ER visits, improved access
The AHC is now an ongoing provincial initiative expanding into additional communities. From the FPSC’s pilot evaluation: The pilot demonstrated the AHC’s ability to reduce patients’ plans to visit the ER by 81% and lower the number of UPCC or walk-in clinic visits by 58%. It also resolved patients’ urgent issues in 34% of all […]
Divisions Dispatch December 3, 2024
The latest newsletter covers changes to the CLFP payment, extended transition funding for inpatient care, panel management training for MOAs, BC Cancer Screening letters available on Health Gateway, a Brain-Health-PRO-in-a-nutshell infographic, and more that will not be duplicated in the Newsflash. Read it here
ICYMI: AGM photos are in!
More than 120 physician members, their guests, Division staff and members of the Indigenous community joined us for our November 4 AGM. View our photo gallery
ICYMI: Check out the Victoria Division’s new impact report
View the VDFP 2023-24 impact report with highlights of our achievements. Please share with all who might be interested!
FPs reignite: Building resilience in the age of burnout
Tune in for this engaging webinar with renowned psychologist and author Dr. Jody Carrington. Jody uses humour and honesty to build resilience and empower family physicians facing burnout. Tuesday, January 21, 9 – 10am. Register here
Join the last Dip for Docs of the year
Brr-ave the cold with peers on Saturday, December 21st, at 9 am. Meet at Parker Beach on Parker Avenue in Cordova Bay. First-timers get a t-shirt or toque!
Praise is medicine!
As our AGM keynote speaker Len Pierre said, “Praise is medicine.” So don’t hold back if you want to say bravo for a job well done, or thank a peer who made your day! Post your Cheers for Peers here to let them know.